One of the most historically interesting notations in the Welborn Beeson diary is the following census information about the families along Wagner Creek on the last day of the year 1857. Welborn took it upon himself to become the unofficial enumerator for the community by documenting not only family names but the crops and the number of farm animals from each household. The year 1857 was the first year that Welborn had total control of the farm as his father, John Beeson, was living in New York City at the time. He took pride in comparing his success as a farmer to that of his neighbors. [original spelling from the diary retained]
“New Years Eve 1857
At the present time there are on Wagners Creeck seven Familys. The first near the Mouth
George Rockefellow Albert and Sarah Rockefelow
The next John, Eliza, Allice, Melville, and Jack Wrisley liveing on Jacob Wagners farm, also Gilbert Thomson [?]
The next is James, Isabell, Kate, and Laura Thornton
The next Mrs Ann Beeson, and Welborn Beeson
The next John, Susan, and John Junior, Robert, and Mary Robison.
The next David, Fidelia, Oscar, Orson Nuel, Arminda, Mary, George and Emma Sternes,
The next is Grandville, Mrs., Alonzo, Adolphus, Alvin, and Alvina Naylor, also William Sutherland, and John
Total number of souls, on the Creeck 37
Males 21
Females 16
unmaried Females 9
unmarried Males 15
Married Females 7
Married Males 11
Dec 31st1857
Number of horses owned on the Creeck
Rockefellows & Broth 3 head
Wrisley & Wagner & Thomson 5
Thornton . . . . 4
Beesons 3
Robison & son 7
Sterens 5
Naylor & Sutherland 4
Total 31 head
Mr Grandville Naylor owns and runs one saw mill, The only Machinery on the Creeck. The ballace of the inhaabitance are farmers
Rockefellows & Broth raised wheat 400
Wrisley . . . . . . . 500
Thornton . . . . . . . 200
Beeson - - - 300
Robison - - - 150
Sternes 100
Total amount of wheat 16.50
And about 400 bus of Oats, and a little Barley”