View of Rogue Valley from Wagner Butte

Place Names by George Wright

December 19, 1953
Sometime around forty years ago a man we knew as Dad Miller located a homestead at the head of the east fork of Hutton Creek. I remember him well, and used to see him come into Hornbrook with loads of wood in his little wagon. I always admired his little black team of mares.
In later years the homestead was taken over by his son, Ivin Miller, and the homestead was known as the Ivin Miller place. The son passed away about five years ago and the place has been vacant since then as far as I know. I have heard that the homestead has been sold to the Crabtree brothers and that they plan to use it as a hunting camp.
The homestead would be a nice place in the winters to use for fur trapping, since that area was good coyote and bobcat country. I suppose they are scarce there now, just as they are elsewhere.

December 19, 1953
I don't know how long Hiram Swift, also known as AHigh Swift, lived on his little ranch west of little Pilot Rock near Hutton Creek. He was there when I was a boy and lived there until he passed away over twenty years ago.
          Swift was in the horse business, and also cut and hauled wood to Hornbrook.
I believe that Swift homesteaded the place, and as far as I know it is still called the Swift place, although I think it was sold, and has only been used for cattle pasture at the present time. I do not know of anyone else ever having lived there.

December 22, 1953
Horn's Peak is about one mile north and east from Hornbrook and a couple of miles north from what used to be the Horn Ranch. It was named for David M. Horn, Sr., a pioneer ranch owner and stockman.
I used to ride in the vicinity of the ranch each year to round up horses. There was good winter and spring feed there for horses, and it was all open range in those days, but I suppose it is fenced now.

December 22, 1953
Dead Horse Gulch heads just east of Horn Peak and empties into the Klamath River just below the present bridge across the river near the old town of Klamathon.
Many years ago when I was punching cattle and wrangling horses, the name of Dead Horse Gulch was often mentioned by the riders of the range. The country around that area was all open range, but I believe that now it is all under fence.

December 22, 1953
The Ed J. Seikel Ranch was located on one of the forks of Dead Horse Gulch, about a mile or more from the Klamath River.
From twenty-five to forty years ago I did a lot of riding for horses on the range around the Seikel Ranch. The ranch was then, and as far back as I can remember, owned by and operated by, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Seikel. He was in the horse business.
Although it was a small ranch, I always liked the place and its location. I don't know at this time who owns the place, or if anyone lives there.

December 23, 1953
Willow Creek empties into the Klamath River less than a mile upstream from the old town of Klamathon. The creek is quite long and is well known. It heads up in the mountains east from the north end of Shasta Valley.
About a mile upstream from its mouth there is a place that was called Laird's Station during the stagecoach days. In later years it was known as the Thrall Ranch. The old Klamath Lake railroad joined the Southern Pacific at this place.
On up the creek is the old town of Ager, the Kegg Ranch and a few other ranches, including the Joseph Ranch. The Morton Brothers Ranch is not far from the creek, and above their ranch is the Mulloy Ranch, and what used to be the Nolan Ranch.
I helped harvest the grain crop on the Nolan Ranch in 1914.
There used to be many steelhead fish that would run up Willow Creek, and I suppose they still use Willow Creek for their runs.
I don't know how the creek was named, but willows grow in many places along the stream.