View of Rogue Valley from Wagner Butte

Place Names by George Wright

December 15, 1953
The Crovelle Ranch is located along the lower part of Hutton Creek at the foot of Bailey Hill. The Southern Pacific Railroad goes through the ranch.
Manuel Crovelle, Senior, obtained the place as a homestead in the early days, and engaged in cattle raising. Despite the fact that Crovelle has been gone for many years the ranch has been going by his name until very recently.
The people I remember owning or operating the ranch are Manuel Alves, Manuel F. Crovelle, Jr., and Louis Freitas.
Lawrence Lemos bought the ranch about two years ago and is the present owner.

December 17, 1953
Hutton Creek empties into Cottonwood Creek north or Hornbrook, and it heads in the south slopes of the Pilot Rock area.
The Hutton Creek area used to be, and I guess it still is, a good winter range for cattle and horses. A few years ago there were lots of horses roaming these hills around Hutton Creek and many of them spent the winters there for the snowfall usually was light, and there was quite a lot of grass on the rocky ridges.
The headwaters of Hutton Creek are on the Oregon side of the state line.
Some forty or fifty years ago some people started to make a couple of little ranches in the main fork of Hutton Creek near the state line, but they were vacant a few years ago when I was there, although some of the buildings were still standing.
Some thirty years ago someone lived there for a while and had a herd of goats, and since then its been called the Goat Ranch.
There used to be a wagon road up the creek to the little ranches, but when I was there last in the mid-nineteen forties the road had not been used for a long time, and was not passable.
It's sort of a nice place, with a couple of nice, cold springs. Probably some people, long ago, homesteaded the place.
On the east branch of Hutton Creek a man we used to call Dad Miller located a homestead some forty-five years ago.

December 18, 1953
There is a peak, or pointed hill, between Hutton Creek and Highway 99 north of what used to be called the Crovelle Ranch. The peak is known as Shelton Rock. Why it was named Shelton Rock I do not know.
It used to be a heaven for horses in the winter time when there were a lot of them on the range a few years ago. Cattle also stayed around there in the winter since the snow fall is usually light, and there is bunch grass around the rocky hillsides, which both the cattle and horses like.

December 18, 1953
The Terrill Ranch is on up Hutton Creek from the Crovelle Ranch. Years ago Oscar Terrill and his family lived there. I don't know what the little ranch is called these days.
Terrill was in the early days a great deer hunter and I can remember him telling about his hunting experiences when I was a little sprout.
He had a 30-30 Marlin rifle, one of the first high-powered rifles around, and he used to say all he needed was three jumps of a deer and he was sure to have meat. All in all he was a crack rifle shot, and would take part in the turkey shoots, where he nearly always won some turkeys.